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Stifel-Leaving a Legacy - Your Guide to Charitable Giving
NexTier Wealth Management-Leaving a Legacy
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How to Apply Instructions
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Pre-K Online Application Instructions
K-12 Online Application
K-12 Online Application
Grant Requests
Annual Dinner and Grants
Annual Dinner Pictures
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Grant FAQs
Grant Wish List Request Form
Grant Wishlist Request Form
Grant Report
Who We Are
Tuition Assistance
Our Funds
Types of Funds
Our Funds
Start a Fund
Charitable Assets
Stifel-Leaving a Legacy - Your Guide to Charitable Giving
NexTier Wealth Management-Leaving a Legacy
Community Foundation Funds
Ben Franklin Trust
Ellen Jane & Russell Kness Fund
Founders' Fund
Give365 Fund
Harry C. Brenneman Memorial Fund
Harvey Heilman Endowment Fund
John Rohrer Fund
Nancy Brody Fund for Children
Ralph & Susan Knepshield Fund for Children & Youth Fund
Rumbarger Emergency Fund
Organizational Funds
Armstrong Community Theater Fund
Armstrong County Historical Museum & Genealogical Society Endowment Fund
Baker Habitat for Humanity Endowment
Ford City Public Library Endowment Fund
Friends of the Kittanning Public Library Endowment Fund
Grace Brethren Church Endowment Fund
Mechling-Shakley Veteran Center Endowment Fund
Parker Personal Care Endowment Fund
Pittsburgh Geological Society Endowment Fund
Redbank Valley Community Center Endowment Fund
Richard G. Snyder YMCA Campus Emergency Fund
Richard G. Snyder YMCA Campus Fund
Designated Funds
Alvin E. Kuntz Jr. Charitable & Barry P. Kuntz Memorial Fund
Bocinec and King Families Fund
Catherine Helen Cogley and Catherine Hutchison Charity Fund
Charles A. & Margaret I. Bonner Memorial Recreation & Parks Fund
Charles, Jr. and Louella Snyder Charitable Trust
Cheri Roberts Memorial Fund
Dorothy A. Winslow Fund
Elderton/Plumcreek History Fund
Furniture World East Education Fund
George M. and Mary P. Hutchison Memorial Fund
Gladine Wiles and Jim McClister Memorial
Harold R. and Rilla D. Johnson Fund
Harry C. and Katheryn L. Brenneman Memorial Fund
Leo and Mildred Gispanski Family Fund
Patricia J. Campbell Memorial Fund
Willianna M. DiCiero Memorial Fund
Willanna Millen DiCiero and William A. DiCiero Designated Fund
Donor Advised Funds
Armstrong Trust for Historic Preservation Fund
Arnold B. & Christine M. Moss Fund
Asa Miller Foundation Fund
Baker Family Charitable Fund
Brian and Cheryl Morris Fund
Buck Stitt Memorial Bible Fund
David C. Kohl Family Fund
Ed and Kay Steiner Memorial Fund
Frank, Kristen, and Evan Samosky Fund
Gordon Ariadne Fund
Jackie and Jake Demetris Family Fund
James A. Frederick Fund
Jamie and Mindy Owen Fund
Joe Cippel Foundation Fund
John Shoop Fund
Kay & Stephen Owen Fund
Kenneth and Ina Burkett and Family Fund
Kenneth R. Tack, Jr. & B. Maxine Tack Mission Fund
Kittanning Rotary Club Fund
Lee & Myrtle McKelvey Willing Workers Trust for Spiritual & Church Enhancement Fund
Mervis Family Fund
Mission Fund in Memory of Chuck and Pearl Snyder
Paul and Sharon Bradigan Fund
Raymond A. Boarts Fund
Richard G. Snyder Endowment for the Arts
Richard G. & Barbara A. Snyder General Charitable Fund
Snyder Associated Companies Foundation
Seyler General Charitable Fund
William E. Blose Family Memorial Fund
William H. and Dorothy S. Toy General Charitable Fund
Scholarship Funds
Alpha Lillstrom Cheng Democratic Process Engagement Scholarship Fund
Armstrong Concert Band Scholarship
Armstrong County Bar Association Scholarship
Armstrong County Building & Loan Association Scholarship
Armstrong County Technical School Scholarship
Bruno-Higginson Trust Scholarship
Brett Charmello Memorial Scholarship
Burrell Township Scholarship
Dannette "Liffy" Cockroft Charitable Scholarship
Dr. Augustus Ira Slagle Medical Scholarship
Dr. Henry E. & Victoria B. (Halas) Reich Memorial
Dr. John Garrott Memorial & Dr. Clifford Vogan Medical Scholarships
Dr. Samuel R. & Twila L. Black Medical Scholarship
Erin Toland Boyer Memorial Scholarship
Evelyn Benton Nursing Scholarship
Gary & Janet (Bell) Pettengill Scholarship
Geophysical Society of Pittsburgh Scholarship
Gerstbrein.McCanna Scholarship for the Arts
Gretchen Moss Memorial Scholarship
James K. Greenbaum Scholarship
High Top Sports Scholar - Athlete
Jack A. Bennett Golf Scholarship Fund
Joan Tatsak Memorial Scholarship
Joseph A. Nickleach Memorial Scholarship
Kay Detrick Owen Scholarship
Klingensmith Scholarship Fund
Leo S. Kijowski Memorial Scholarship
Mable R. Slagle Nurses Training Scholarship
Marjorie Dodson Memorial Scholarship
Marsha J. Alico Memorial Scholarship
Michael Petroncheck Musical Scholarship
Nathan Keibler Think B4 U Act
Quality Life Services Healthcare Career Scholarship
Redbank Valley High School Sports Boosters
Richard and Mary Krauland Scholarship
Richard G. Snyder Family Scholarship
Robert A. & Geneva K. Deveney Engineering Scholarship
Ruth E. Owen Scholarship
Samantha L. Smith Scholarship
Shawna Petrosky Memorial Scholarship
Shirey Scholarship
Stephen L. Heffner Memorial Scholarship
Susan Falsetti-Burdett Memorial Scholarship Fund for Music
Tut Toth Memorial Scholarship
Zane McMillen Memorial Scholarship